Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nuts to YOU

I'm sorry if this offends any parents out there...but some of you are so naieve.
A little boy grows up and from the age of 2 has peanut butter and toast pretty much every day, likes nuts, eats all sorts of nut products, and has no reaction, nothing is wrong, his throat doesn't close up, he doesnt get a rash, the nuts aren't attacking him...then all of a sudden he goes for allergy tests (for absolutly no reason at all) AND OHHH LOOK he is severely allergic to peanuts, you must have an epipen around him at all times or he might die.... THIS DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. And the parents instead of saying he eats nuts all the time and is fine goes oh ok heres 600$ I need epipens and totally nutproofs the house, sends an email to all their friends and family, if you have nut products in your house or have recently eaten nut products, I am sorry but our son is severely allergic so we will not be able to associate with you any longer.... this to me is a load of bull..
My take on the situation is

A. You are really really fucking stupid, now I know we are all concerned about the health of our children and everything but if the kid has never had a reaction and eats nuts every fucking day how is all of a sudden deathly allergic, you are an idiot for not getting a 2nd opinion


B. You completely fabricated the whole thing just to get attention and/or get rid of some friends that you no longer want to remain friends with.


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