Monday, June 9, 2008

because of you

What do you do when the person you have become,
is due to the horrible things someone did to you and put you through,

He was supposed to be the one to guide me,
to dry my tears when my heart was broken,
to tell me the good boys from the bad,
to tell me I am beautiful and smart when I need to hear it most,
daddy's little girl,
that's what I was supposed to be,
but not to you not to anyone.

I thank you though,
You taught me the type of person to not become,
the art of letting the little things go,
because the big things are much harder to forgive

you are the bigger thing, how do i forgive you
how do i put all the hurt and memories away
to start a new chapter with you
to let you be the father you wanted
its a little late, I am not a teenager anymore, I am not a child
I am a woman, I am my own person,
you can't give me a time to be home,
make sure I do my homework,
ground me,
but that is what you should have been doing
instead of being the loser dead beat that you were

Yes I said that and yes I am pretty sure I mean it
The saying goes the good outweighs the bad,
in this case that is completely untrue

the bad far outweighs the good
and I am not sure I can let you in

because of you I feel I have tragic flaws that I can never make up for
and to others they probably aren't even that tragic,
but my mindset is different.

When I look in the mirror, I see a girl that did without
not the material things (all though I did that to)
but with out the emotional love that a girl should have for family and friends.

I did without what is supposed to be the greastest most fondest memories of a girl,
and her father.

I have had the hardest time deciding who's best for me,
part of that I thank you for and part of me despises you for it

My heart has a hard time telling whats real and whats not.
I am afraid to put my all in to anything, because I did that with you
and you let me down, let me down hard.

I crashed and burned, just like you did.
No song can tell it like this one

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