Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dear Clyde,

I like you
I like everything you do to me
I like the way you look at me, and LOVE the way you think
I like the way you act
I like the way that you are more often then not very reliable
I like knowing that you will grow up (more then you have) (when you are ready)
I like watching you get older, cuz let's face it you are going to be one sexy old man (your dad heh)
I think you have so much potential and in due time you'll max it out
I like that 'you really DO care'
Everyone could have it 'so much better'
Everyone lies to themselves
And everyone sometimes believes their own lies, and others too
Everyone makes stupid choices, me, you, ozzie, the guy that lives on the corner
You deserve the best
I think you are amazing
and have nothing but the utmost faith in you.
I like that you aren't like everybody else,
I like that you are incredibly smart even on the stupidest topics,
You always have a valid point, and you always make it.
You always have a smile to light up my day,
or a sweet little comment, that randomly is thrown my way.
You have goals and dreams as we all do,
I believe you will reach them, BUT YOU HAVE TO TOO
I hope you will let me, be there to encourage you
cheer you on, and make things happen.

Yours Truly,

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